Your privacy and trust are very important to El Paso & Juarez Pain Inc. For this reason and since it is our responsibility to collect your personal data, we want to make sure that you know how we safeguard the integrity, privacy and protection of your personal data, in compliance with Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter LFPDPP)
El Paso & Juarez Pain Inc. with address at Calle Huatusco No. 37, Colonia Roma Sur; Cuauhtémoc Delegation México Distrito Federal 06760 México Distrito Federal states that the personal data we collect is used solely for the following purpose:
I) For identification purposes.
II) To carry out the selection, recruitment and hiring process.
III) Conduct research, through job references, psychometric studies and trust assessments.
IV) Exchange your professional data with other companies in the group and outside the group within and outside the country for recruitment and selection purposes.
V) If you are hired, your data will be used to carry out the respective employment contract, prepare, administer and update your employment record, as well as to grant you social security benefits, calculate payroll, among others.
VI) Give the employment references that another company requires as a result of a new contract derived from the employment relationship that it has with us.
VII) Carry out satisfaction and quality surveys of our products and / or services.
VIII) To comply with the commercial obligations contracted.
IX) Inform you about changes in the same or new services or products.
X) Register it in the internal monitoring systems.
XI) Inform you about events, promotions, discounts, services, publications and news from El Paso & Juarez Pain Inc.
For the aforementioned purposes, we need to obtain the following personal data: Name (s), Surname, Age, Marital status, Nationality, Address, Telephone and / or cell phone number, considered as sensitive according to the federal law of protection of personal data in possession of individuals, email address, schooling, work experience, references, RFC and Social Security Number.
The confidentiality of the Data is guaranteed and they are protected by administrative, technical and physical security measures, to prevent their damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or undue disclosure. Only authorized persons will have access to your Data.
You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, as well as to oppose their treatment or revoke the consent that you have given us for this purpose, through the procedures that we have implemented. To know these procedures, requirements and deadlines, you can contact our legal department at Calle Huatusco No. 37 piso 1, Colonia Roma Sur Delegación Cuauhtémoc México Distrito Federal 06760 México Distrito Federal, telephone 52647662, email m.mendoza@gruporoma .com and / or a.vera@gruporoma.com
If you DO NOT express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it. If the user uses the services of this site, it means that he has read, understood and agreed to the terms set forth above. If you do not agree with them, the user should not provide any personal information, or use the services of this website. This privacy notice was updated in June 2016.